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Read and remember how to use the words:

to inform: to inform somebody of something; to be informed; to be well-informed; to keep somebody informed. The press, radio and television keep people informed on all topical issues of the day. If you are a regular reader of the press, you will be well-informed about all questions.

report, to report: newspaper report; to report for a newspaper; it is reported that...; newspaper reporters. You can get a lot of useful information from newspaper reports

comment, to comment: to make comments; to comment on a text; critical comments; to keep up a running commentary on a match. Have you any comments to make on my report? Did you like the broadcast comments on the football match today?

recent, recently: recent events in the country; recent publications; in recent times. They talked about their recent trip to Africa. It is only quite recently that I started painting. I wonder whether she has been writing recently.

commentator, commentary: Do you listen to the radio programme "Commentator's Round Table"? Which do you prefer: a radio commentary or a TV commentary on a chess tournament?

correspondent: a foreign correspondent; our London correspondent; a report from our correspondent. A report from our London correspondent will be published in the next issue of our paper.

to observe, observer: political observer. Reports by political observers and commentators help us to get useful information on international and domestic issues.


Exercise 1. Answer the questions:
1. What kind of information do newspapers offer?
2. How does the information you get from the newspapers help you to understand the world today?
3. What does the editorial deal with?
4. Which of the news items in yesterday's and today's newspapers do you find most interesting?

Exercise 2. Information about recent events in the country or the world can be published in newspapers and broadcast on radio and television.
Which do you prefer: to watch news on telly or to read newspapers ? Give your reasons.

Exercise 3. Compare any two newspapers or magazines. How do they differ? Give your comments on the way different topics are covered.

Exercise 4. Lots of readers complain there is plenty of "rubbish" in the modern press.
Do you think all newspapers and magazines offer important and interesting information ? Give your arguments 'for' and 'against' this opinion, based on the example of some newspaper or magazine you read.

Exercise 5.
a) Is there a section in a newspaper or a magazine which is extremely popular among the readers ? Give an example.
b) Suggest a new section which will be interesting for teenagers. Give reasons for what you suggest.

Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences using the new words:
1. Это свежий (последний) номер журнала. Я купил его в киоске.
2. Эта ежедневная газета выходит тиражом 8 миллионов экземпляров.
3. Главный редактор журнала кратко выразил свою точку зрения в редакционной статье.
4. Традиционными рубриками этой газеты являются "Письма редактору", "Факты и комментарии", "Реклама", "Интервью с общественным деятелем".
5. Общественная жизнь города получает полное освещение на страницах городской газеты.
6. Существуют различные газеты, представляющие как прогрессивные, так и реакционные взгляды.
7. Много товаров рекламируется на страницах этого еженедельника и в его приложениях.
8. Репортаж лондонского корреспондента публикуется в последнем номере этой газеты. Далее следует комментарий политического обозревателя.
9. Сообщается, что представители разных политический партий провели дискуссию за круглым столом.
10. Я постоянный читатель этой газеты и хорошо информирован по всем важным темам и событиям сегодняшнего дня.
11. Статьи политических обозревателей и комментаторов помогают мне получить нужную информацию по международным темам, а также о событиях внутри страны.
12. В этом номере публикуются статьи о добрососедских отношениях между странами, о развитии экономических и культурных отношений.

Exercise 7. Can you call yourself a well-informed person? Tell the others in the class how the press, radio, television and the Internet keep you informed on all topical issues of the day.

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