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Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the proper prepositions where necessary:
1. Different political parties were represented ____ the conference.
2. The advertisements try to convince people that some products are ___ excellent quality.
3. I can't agree _______ your point ___ view ___ the programme.
4. The interview _______ this world famous scientist who has contributed much ___ the development of physics is worth reading.
5. We have convinced him _____ the necessity of reading this article.
6. Public life receives full coverage _____ the pages of many newspapers. For example, the latest issue of "Izvestiya" informs the readers ____ the presentation of a new fund.
7. The book was published _____ an edition _____ 50,000 copies.
8. Mass media keep people informed _______ all topical issues of the day.
9. Look through the articles ________ the heading "Ecology". You'll find an interesting item _______ the latest action of "Greenpeace".
10. Have you got any critical comments to make ______ my report?
11. Did you listen _____ the radio commentary _______ a tennis tournament?
12. I would like to report _______ our school newspaper. It's nice to express my point _______ view _______ the most important school events.
13. Reports _______ political observers help us to get useful information _______ international and domestic issues.
14. Hundreds ______ letters are received ___ daily ______ the editorial board.

Exercise 2. Write definitions explaining what jobs each of these people involved in the media do?
Example: A make-up artist makes up the faces of people who are to appear on TV.

1. a foreign correspondent;
2. an editor-in-chief;
3. a publisher;
4. a regular reader;
5. an advertiser;
6. a columnist;
7. a postman;
8. a news reporter;
9. a paparazzi;
10. a camera operator;
11. a critic;
12. members of the editorial board;
13. a bookseller;
14. an editor;
15. a political observer;
16. a sports commentator.

Lexical Test

I. Write definitions explaining what jobs each of these people involved in the media do?
Example: A make-up artist makes up the faces of people who are to appear on TV.

1. a foreign correspondent;
2. an editor-in-chief;
3. a critic;
4. a political observer;
5. a regular reader;
6. a sports commentator;
7. a paparazzi.

II. Fill in the blanks with the proper prepositions where necessary:
1. I can't agree ___ your point ___ view ___ the programme.
2. The interview ___ this world famous scientist who has contributed much ___ the development of physics is worth reading.
3. The book was published ___ an edition ___ 50,000 copies.
4. Mass media keep people informed ___ all topical issues of the day.
5. Hundreds ___ letters are received ___ daily ___ the editorial board.
6. Did you listen ___ the radio commentary ___ a tennis tournament?

III. Ask 5 questions for more information using your active vocabulary.

This newspaper is worth subscribing to.

IV. Translate the following sentences using the new words.
1. Главный редактор кратко выразил свою точку зрения в редакционной статье.
2. Традиционными рубриками этого журнала являются "Письма редактору", "Факты и комментарии", "Реклама", "Интервью с общественным деятелем".
3. Много товаров рекламируется на страницах этого еженедельника и в его приложении.
4. Сообщается, что представители разных политических партий провели дискуссию за круглым столом.
5. Существуют различные газеты, которые представляют прогрессивные или реакционные взгляды.

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