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Read and remember how to use the words:

to distinguish, distinguishing, distinguished: to distinguish oneself; a distinguished writer; a distinguishing feature. It was so dark that we could distinguish nothing. Franklin was a distinguished American thinker, scientist and public figure. He distinguished himself by his courage. The child could not distinguish right from wrong.

conscience: a clear conscience; a good conscience; the voice of conscience; to act according to one's conscience; to go against one's conscience. Is your conscience clear?

conscientious: a conscientious worker; to be conscientious in one's duty. He is a highly respected person: he always does his duty conscientiously.

to judge by: to judge by appearance; to judge by words; to judge by deeds. What do you judge a person by? Don't judge a man by his looks. Can you judge a person only by his words?

anxious: to feel anxious about something or somebody; to be anxious for something; to be anxious to do something. The girl's parents were anxious about her future. Though I had a lot of work to do and was anxious about it, I felt that I could not refuse my friend who needed my help very much. Don't be anxious if I am late.

indifferent, indifference: to be indifferent to something; to remain indifferent; to show indifference; to treat somebody with indifference. How can you be so indifferent to the sufferings of others? The explorers were indifferent to the dangers and hardships of the expedition. We cannot remain indifferent in this discussion. He treated my request with indifference. Success or failure cannot be a matter of indifference to a person.

firm: a firm character; a firm voice; a firm decision; to be firm with somebody. He said it in a firm voice. Are all parents always firm with their children?

stubborn: a stubborn person; a stubborn struggle or fight; stubborn resistance. Don't be stubborn!

frank: to be frank with somebody; a frank look in one's eyes; a frank answer; frank advice; a frank manner. Let's be frank. I'll be perfectly frank with you. The boy was afraid of being punished, still his reply was frank. I can't help believing him - he has such a frank look in his eyes.

sincere: The words "Yours sincerely" are often used at the end of letters. He was sincerely glad to see me. Her words seemed so sincere, that it was impossible not to believe her.

reserved: a reserved person; reserved behaviour. He is always silent or says little; he seldom shows his feelings or opinions. They say he is a reserved person.

to rely on: to rely on one's friend; to rely on (upon) somebody's word or promise; to rely fully. Can you rely on him? You may rely on me. I rely on you to arrange everything.

reliable: a reliable person; reliable information. You shouldn't be anxious about it; the work will be done properly and in time. He is a very reliable person.

to trust, trust: to have trust in somebody; to trust somebody with something. He says he will come early but I don't trust him. I trust him more than I trust my brother. I trust him as I would myself. He is not the sort of man to be trusted. I would never trust him with such responsible work. A child usually has perfect trust in his mother.

Exercise 1.
a) Name several things parents, teachers and pupils can be anxious about.
b) Say whether you will feel anxious if:
-you can't reach the place you are going to before dark;
-you don't get a letter you have been looking forward to;
-you can't find out the results of a very important test;
-you don't know how to cope with the task given;
-you are not sure you will finish school successfully.

Exercise 2.Speak about people who are respected by everybody. Explain why they are respected and what they are judged by. Say if you would like to develop the same qualities in yourself.

Exercise 3.
a) Read and remember:
Your "self" is your nature. A person's "self" means "individuality", and it makes you different from everyone and everything else.

selfish, selfless

b) Say how you would characterize people who:
· feel sure of their abilities and worth;
· are able to control themselves and make themselves work hard or behave in a particular way without needing anyone else to tell them what to do;
· always want to do what is best for themselves rather than for anyone else;
· care only about themselves, and not about other people;
· care about other people and their needs rather than considering themselves and their own needs;
· are calm and confident and in control of their emotions;
· have learnt a skill by themselves.

Exercise 4. Some people are always convinced that they are right in their attitudes and ways of behaving, and that other people are wrong.
Have you happened to meet such people? How do you treat them? How do you behave if you are convinced you are right?

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