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Read and remember how to use the words:

intelligent: an intelligent person; intelligent eyes; an intelligent question or reply. At the competition the boy asked a very intelligent question, the boys from the other team could not answer it.

persistent, persistence: to be persistent in something; to do something with amazing persistence. He is persistent in everything he does. Her persistence in studying music is amazing. Persistence and courage are wonderful qualities.

straightforward: a straightforward person; a straightforward explanation; a straightforward answer; to be straightforward about something. It is not always easy to give a straightforward reply.

confident, confidence: to be confident of something; to feel confident of something; to be confident of victory; to be confident of success; confident manner; to have confidence in the future; to lose confidence in something. He feels confident of passing the examination. We are confident of success. Are you confident that everything will go well? He answered all the questions with confidence.

to put up with: to put up with hardships; to put up with somebody. I can't put up with it any longer. Their purpose was so important that they were ready to put up with all the hardships.

to stand up to: to stand up to somebody; to stand up to something. The workers had enough courage to stand up to their master. Are you sure the boys have enough character to stand up to difficulties?

guilt, guilty: to be guilty of something; to look guilty; a guilty look; a guilty person; a guilty conscience. He felt he was guilty of nothing. She couldn't imagine what she was guilty of.

innocent: to be innocent of something; an innocent look; to look innocent. Don't be so innocent as to believe everything he says. Don't look so upset, it was just an innocent joke.

decent, indecent: decent people; decent clothes; decent language and behavior; to look decent; to speak decently about something; to treat somebody decently; to behave decently. Never tell stories that are not decent. They only want the chance to live their lives decently. We could not expect him to do an indecent thing.

sympathy, to sympathize: to express sympathy; to feel sympathy for somebody; to sympathize with somebody. He has no sympathy for such people. I can sympathize with you but I cannot help you.


Exercise 1.
Do you think persistence is a good quality?
Do you agree that it is important to develop confidence in oneself? Explain your opinion.

Exercise 2. Speak about situations:
in which the only choice is to put up with hardships;
in which people must have enough courage to stand up to difficulties.

Exercise 3.
a) Say what proverbs and sayings come to your mind when you talk about friendship. Explain what they mean to you.
b) Discuss your ideas of friendship, generosity, words and actions on the one hand; of selfishness, meanness and flattery on the other hand.

Exercise 4.
a) Say what activities give you opportunities:
to develop your independent thinking and independence of character;
to develop responsibility for your own actions;
to understand the value of help, advice and encouragement.

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:
which traits of character, in your opinion, are most valuable and why you admire them in people;
which traits of character disappoint you and why you hate them in people.

Exercise 6. A person's character is usually formed in childhood.
a) Do you agree or disagree ? Give your opinion.
b) Say what qualities you think are worth developing in oneself.

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Teacher's Portfolio  Кафедра ИнЯз шк 1508