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Exercise 1. The activities of the school day afford different opportunities for pupils to participate in sports and in some useful work. They give opportunities for deeper study, for making a wall newspaper, for developing your talents for paintings, music, drama and so on.
whether you have special groups such as an Art Club, a Drama Club, a Gymnastic team, a History Club or any other club in your school;
what opportunities you and your schoolmates have to develop your interests;
what activities you participate in with enthusiasm.

Remember these formulas:
Cheer up!
Make the best of it!
Never give way to despair.
Don't let it get you down.
Let's hope for the best.
Why not give it another try?

Exercise 2. a) Listen to the dialogues, then read them. Say:
what made Tom, Ann and Elizabeth feel disappointed (dissatisfied) and why; by whom and how Ann, Tom and Elizabeth were encouraged.

Dialogue 1:
Аnn: I spend very much time on my mathematics, but it's very hard for me to solve some problems. I shan't be able to cope with these, I'm afraid.
Father: Well, Ann, why not give it another try and see what happens? Never give way to despair. Read the rule attentively again. Let's see what is wrong in the way you're solving the problems.

Dialogue 2:
Tom: I can't even explain what happened to me when the race began. It's not that I felt excited or something. I was not bad at the long jump and high jump, and I tried my best in the race, too. But I came in only third.
Instructor: Nobody's good at everything, but you did better than anyone else on the team, Tom. Cheer up! Things do happen. You'll be more successful next time, I'm sure.

Dialogue 3:
Elizabeth: Oh, I hoped this term would go well. But the result of my first test in chemistry was so poor. I feel that this new subject may turn out to be hard for me to cope with.
Friend: We all make mistakes at first; so don't let it get you down. And go to your chemistry teacher for advice and help. I'm sure she can always help you.

b) Do you believe their efforts in their further studies will be successful? Explain why.

Exercise 3.
a) Do you always believe in yourself, and in your abilities? Do you think encouragement is helpful? Why? Give reasons for what you say.
b) Think of a possible situation in which you have to encourage your classmates, friends and acquaintances. Say how you will do it and what you will say.

Exercise 4.
Say which activities at the lessons and after school give you opportunities:
· to develop speaking, reading and writing skills;
· to develop good work habits;
· to observe both plant and animal life and to explore nature;
· to acquire some scientific knowledge and explore new ideas.

You may use the following:
carrying out experiments
getting acquainted with somebody
solving problems
taking part in nature walks
developing a habit for (additional) reading
holding discussions and conversations
making careful observations
participating in all kinds of activities
writing compositions
going on educational excursions and trips
holding all kinds of contests and competitions
making reports

Exercise 5. Here are some reasons why you go to school. Discuss them and say whether you agree or disagree with them. Which of them are most important.
· School introduces you to different sorts of people, helps you get along with others and find a common language with them.
· School helps you make your own decisions.
· School helps you to understand yourself better (talents, skills).
· School makes you polite and well behaved.
· School introduces you to new scientific ideas.
· School helps you to use your time sensibly.
· School helps train you for a job.
· School teaches you moral values.
· School teaches you about your country, its history, culture and its present-day place in the world.

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Teacher's Portfolio  Кафедра ИнЯз шк 1508